We Build Brands

Digital marketing company for obtaining far reaching and vast audience for your business, making you stand out from the crowd.


Group 11808

In 2021, We started with an awesome team of 10 people, Partnered up with US manufacturers and launched 2 brands in Social niche.

In 2022, We are stronger than ever with more partnerships & brands. We are almost the unicorns in Social niche, so we are looking to expand into other niches.

After experiencing different markets, the vision was to build brands that are huge in their niche. Coming from middleclass families in India, the dream was crazy enough and exciting that we went all in.



Build your online identity with us. Reach new customers, establish brand awareness and increase digital traffic.


Content Marketing




Influencer Marketing





Join our community
of digital creators

Why Zapminati ?

Zapminati believes in a diversified perspective that uncovers innovative possibilities in the digital world. Trust as a virtue has consistently played an essential role in every great human achievement, and consistently, its importance has been overlooked. not just by individuals, but by entire societies. We felt it was time someone gave it the spotlight it deserves, especially for the ones who live by this virtue — the trustworthy.

So, we thought of creating a system that rewards its members for doing good and being trustworthy. This way, trust as a virtue becomes something to aspire to, just the way it should be. Then, we went one step ahead — we built it. We know we are on the right track because here you are.

If you make it to Zapminati, congratulations and welcome. We have a lot of things planned for you.